Jazz Band
Members Only

Birthday Party! - Jay
Hey All! wait no, all the messages start out like that, Attention All! Incase you somehow by a freak Accident didn't receive Jamie's Email about her 17th B'day Party, well, i'm telling ya now...It will be held on the 12th of AUgust, probably held around 11-5. All the band is invitied and some additional Guests. If you would like to bring someone along please contact

Hey Again! - Jay
Hey all, Sorry for the quick notes in my earlier message(Like 3 words*grin*) Anyways, if your knew to Boca High's Band, I'm Justin, Also known as Jay. I play the trumpet and was an EX slave but not to worries anymore :) j/k heheh...well thats all my head can think of now but check back again!

Kelly's Word - Kelly
Hey all, its Kelly. Me and Jay will be your webgods for the 00-01 year.. Im just going to introduce myself here so you can all complain to me later.. Im a Junior this year. I just turned 16 and starting to drive. Im the Baritone section leader and also the Head Quartermaster/Slave Driver. My experience on the net is varied. I have a DSL connection, a webcam(almost never up so dont ask), a digital camera, a cd burner, and im able to put video that i take using my video camera onto my computer. All this should be a great asset to this job, that is the main reason i took it. Ive created pages for friends and for myself. I will not be updating my personal page for a while, ive gotten complaints, because i will be workin on this one. This page is a big fixer-up. Meaning, the design sucked and im glad Jay is so good with Front Page to create this design. I know nothing of Front Page or any other editor, all i know is the past pages have ALL been created using these. I hope to bring a touch of originality to the scene with my outrageous Notepad!. Updates will be frequent. Members only section up soon.

Construction in progress - Jay
Hey guys, the site will be up shortly...



All pages within this site, most Artwork, and design created by Justin Quek(Jay) and Kelly Koch(Kelly). Photos etc were taken by band members and/or band boosters, parents and helpers. Future thanks to band related persons for their contributuions to this site. Comments or questions plz conatct either kelly or Jay.